Joseph Guillet dit St. Mars was born in Batiscan on April 18th, 1700. He was the 9th child, 2nd son of Louis and Marie Trottier. It appears that Joseph spent his life in this community, living on the family farm. He was a very respected citizen of Batiscan; notarized records show that in 1736 he was referred to as a lieutenant of the Militia. By 1739, documents refer to him as Captain of the Militia of the Batiscan River area. On March 12th 1739, his mother Marie Trottier appeared before the notary A. B. Pollet to dictate her last will and testament. Her oldest son, Joseph, captain, was designated the executer.
This son of Louis was married twice. The first time was at the age of 26 on September 26th 1726 when he wed Angélique Lepellé (age 23) the daughter of the late Claude Lepellé-Lahaye, captain of the Militia and of Marie Charlotte Jeremie of Batiscan. They had one child, Joseph Guillet dit St Mars. On February 16th 1736, Angélique and Joseph appeared before the notary, A.B. Pollet. They signed a will designating each other as beneficiary. On June 10th 1753 Angélique passed away. Two years later, on February 17th 1754 in nearby Saint Anne de la Pérade, Joseph married Marie Joseph Rivard dit Lanouette. She was 19 years old, the daughter of Ignace Rivard-Lanouette, Captain of the Militia of the Seigneury of Ste Marie and Marie Josephte Perrault. Attending the wedding was another captain, Pierre Rivard-Lanouette, uncle of the bride and captain of Saint Anne. All these Captains of the Militia would appear to be following a family tradition. Their ancestor was Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne who was the first to hold that position in Cap de la Madeleine in 1651 then in Batiscan. Nicolas had close ties to the Guillet family. His brother-in-law was Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, Joseph's grandfather!
Marie Josephte and Joseph were the proud parents of 3 boys and 4 girls. They did not all survive to adulthood to start families of their own:

Marie Josephte: 1754

Marie Marguerite: January 17, 1755

Pierre René: 1756

Charles Nicolas: 1757

Marguerite Geneviève: January 10, 1759

Joseph Louis: January 5 1760

Elisabeth: 1761
A captain of the militia, Joseph may have fought in the seven years war that ultimately saw New France handed over to the English in 1763. He was in his 50's at the beginning of the war so I`m not sure if he was still part of the militia. I have so far been unable to find the date of his death. A receipt was signed by him on March 26th 1762 and on January 15th 1765, Marie-Josephte married Jean-Baptiste Dumont in Batiscan. She passed away on April 7th 1790 at the age of 56.
the son of Louis Guillet dit St Marc and Marie Trottier resided in Batiscan. This is a record of events in his life through existing church records, census and notarized acts.
June 14, 1723 Montreal
Senet dit Laliberté, N.:
Sale of land located on Cote St Pierre, Seigniory of Mr Leurand by Pierre Masson and Catherine Francois, his wife of Terrebonne to Joseph Guillet of Batiscant.
February 17, 1724 Trois Rivières
Normandin, D.:
Donation of land by Louis Guillet-St. Mar and Marie Trotie, his wife of Batiscan to Joseph Guillet, Jean-Baptiste Guillet, Jean-Baptiste Guion dit Lachapelle, Guion, Etienne Bigué, his son-in-law, Duchesne, his son-in-law, Joseph Guion and Louis Guillet
February 17, 1724 Trois Rivières
Normandin, D.:
Sale of succession by Louis Guillet de Verchere, to Joseph Guillet of Batiscan.
July 27, 1724 Trois Rivières
Normandin, D.:
Sale of succession by René Messier-Duchesne and Marie-Madeleine Guillet, his wife of St. Michel, Joseph Guion-Lemoisne and Elisabeth Guillet, his wife of St. Belain to Joseph Guillet-St. Marc of Batiscan.
September 21, 1726 Trois Rivières
Normandin, D.:
Marriage contract between Joseph Guillet dit St Marc (age 26) of Batiscan, the son of Louis Guillet-St Marc and of Marie Trottier of Batiscan and Angélique Lepellé (age 23) daughter of the late Claude Lepellé-Lahaye, captain of the Militia and of Marie-Charlotte Jeremie of Batiscant.
August 7, 1727 Trois Rivières
Normandin, D.:
Sale of rights of succession by Joseph Guillet-St. Marc and Angélique Lepellé, his wife of Batiscan to Michel-Stanislas Lepellé-Dérive of Batiscan.
August 12, 1730 Trois Rivières
Pollet, A.-B:
Division of inheritance between Marie Trotier, widow of Louis Guillet dit St. Marc of Batiscan, Joseph St. Marc, Jean-Baptiste Guillet of Batiscan, Etienne Bigué and Angélique St. Marc, his wife of Ste Marie, Jean-Baptiste Guion and Marie-Jeanne St. Marc, his wife of Ste Anne and Jean-Baptiste Adam and Catherine St. Marc, his wife, his children and in-laws.
October 29, 1732 Trois Rivières
Pollet A-B.:
Discharge of Joseph Guillet de St. Marc and Angélique Lepellé, his wife of Batiscan from Michel-Stanislas Lepellé-Lahaye-Desrive of Batiscan.
February 16, 1736 Trois Rivières
Pollet A-B.:
Mutual donation of belongings between Joseph Guillet of St. Marc, lieutenant of the militia and Angélique Lepellé, his wife of Batiscan.
June 2, 1740 Trois Rivières
Pollet A-B.:
Discharge of Joseph Guillet of St. Marc, captain of the militia of the Batiscan river to Jean-Baptiste Guillet, his brother.
February 17, 1754 Trois Rivières
Rouillard dit Fonville, J.:
Mariage contract between Joseph Guillet of St. Mar, captain of the militia of St. Genevieve, residing in Batiscant and Marie-Josephe Rivard (age 20) daughter of Ignace Rivard de Lanouette, captain of the militia and Marie Josephe Peraux of Ste. Marie.
February 7, 1759 Trois Rivières
Rouillard dit Fonville, J.:
Sale of land located in Batiscan by Gervais Baril and Catherine Adam, his wife of St. Pierre le Bequet, to Joseph Guillet de St. Marc, captain of the Militia of Ste Geneviève and Marie-Josephe Rivard of Batiscant.
March 26, 1762 Trois Rivières
Rouillard dit Fonville, J.:
Receipt by Joseph Guillet de St. Marc of Batiscant.
March 9, 1773 Quebec
Panet, J.-A.:
Judgement between Michel-Stanislas Lepellé dit Dérive of Baptiscan, Joseph Lepellé dit Devoisy, presently in France, Joseph Moreau of Baptiscan, Francois Lepellé of Baptiscan, Alexis Lepellé and Marie Joseph Lepellé and Jean Baptiste Dumont and Marie-Josephe Rivard dit Lanouette, his wife of Baptiscan, previously the wife of Joseph Guillet dit St. Mars and tutor of his three minor children.
June 11, 1773 Trois Rivières
Levrard, C.:
Sale of succession by Marie Josephe Rivard dit Lanouette, widow of Joseph Guillet dit St. Mars.
March 10, 1774 Trois Rivières
Levrard, C.:
Sale of holdings by Josephe Rivard dit Lanouette widow of Joseph Guillet dit St. Mars tutor Josephe St. Mars, Joseph St. Mars, Elisabeth St. Mars and Louis Guillet of Batiscan their surrogate tutor.
(Joseph Guillet dit St Mars is named as contractor. It is a sale by public auction)
February 6, 1775 Trois Rivières
Levrard, C.:
Discharge by Stanislas-Michel Lepellé dit Dérive, Prancois Pellé dit Loye and Joseph Moreau to Marie-Josephe Rivard dit Lanouette and her husband Dumont.