Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Quebec City established from 1608 to 1627 a trading system in the St Lawrence Valley. Alliances were formed with the Algonquin and the Hurons, the most important tribes in the region. He helped them in their fights against the Iroquois on Lake Champlain and the Richelieu river. The Natives, in return, provided the fur pelts in exchange for European goods. Missionaries were sent to their villages. Unfortunately these contacts with the French brought diseases such as smallpox, measles and influenza. Native populations were devastated. Between 1636 and 1639, the Huron population went from 25,000 strong to less then 10,000. The French trading system was disrupted by the loss in these allied populations. This catastrophe marked the beginning of the French territorial expansion since they now had to collect and ship the furs themselves. They needed to get closer to the fur regions. It also marked the beginning of the era of the "Coureurs de Bois".
Sieur La Viollette was chosen by Samuel de Champlain, to travel on a barge up the St Lawrence river in July,1634. He was accompanied by some soldiers, artisans and two Jesuits, future martyrs, Jean de Brebeuf and Antoine Daniel. At Trois Rivières on a plateau along the St Lawrence, a fort was built. It was strategically placed at the mouth of the St Maurice river and near lac St Pierre and the Richelieu river. The Batiscan river was just down the coast a ways. Trois Rivières was built as a meeting place for the Indians of the Outaouais, of the Great Lakes and of the Mauricie region. From 1637 to 1642, there were only about 70 people living in the immediate area.
Unfortunately, as the danger of disease abated, the fur trade was thrown into turmoil by war with the Iroquois lasting from about 1641 until 1666. In 1642, a small community was established at Ville-Marie. The Iroquois left it alone initially, concentrating more on Trois Rivières. As early as 1637, more than 500 Iroquois were spread out around the small fort. A constant danger, they patrolled the waters of Lac St Pierre paralyzing the all important fur trading business, the comings and goings of the missionaries in Huronia and cutting communications between the French and their Native allies.
There were constant dangers. A hunting excursion would often end tragically since many Iroquois roamed the nearby woods. Despite constant surveillance, between 1640 and 1665 many were killed or taken captive. Between the years 1648-51, forty or so colonists, some with their families, despite the dangers, came to establish themselves in this outpost.
Among the earliest settlers here was the name: Guillet. Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse was born about 1623 in the area of La Rochelle, Aunis in the Charentes-Maritime region of France. He arrived in New France around 1647 accompanied by his brother, Mathurin. In 1648-9 (the records are lost), Pierre married Jeanne Saint-Père. She was born in the parish of St Jean d'Angely, Saintonge in February 1627. Part of a magistrate family, she arrived in Canada with her widowed mother, Marie-Madeleine Couteau and her sister, Catherine. Mathurin Guillet married Catherine. Both brothers married in Trois Rivières. Pierre was a skilled laborer, a master carpenter and furniture maker.
The first missionary of the three rivers region was Father Jacques Buteaux. He was born in Abbéville in Picardie on April 10, 1599. In 1620, he joined the Jesuits, followed philosophy classes, became a professor and was ordained in 1623. On September 8, 1634, he arrived in Trois Rivières accompanied by Father Le Jeune to build a chapel. In 1639, he was made superior of the congregation. Some Montagnais and Algonquins had settled nearby on Cap-de-la-Madeleine. Father Buteaux wanted them to settle there as an agricultural community and have them provide some protection against the Iroquois. Champlain had told him that some men from Trois Rivières could be used to work alongside the Natives to clear and cultivate the land on the Cap. Conflicts arose with M. de la Potherie, the Governor of Trois Rivières. He did not want Savages established at their doorstep. Jacques Buteaux, however, had the rights to the land and in 1649, in the name of the Jesuits, he officially conceded the land to his chosen settlers on June 1, 1649 (Greffe Audouart). Among the 14 men picked to settle the Cap-de-la Madeleine region were Pierre Guillet and his brother, Mathurin.
On June 6, 1651, a notarized act confirmed these concessions of land (Audouart). Father Buteaux was killed by the Iroquois on May 10, 1652.
During this period, Pierre, Mathurin and their wives were living in Trois Rivières. On June 6, 1650, the brothers purchase land here. It was situated on the northwest side of Saint Pierre Street, bordering the property of Jacques Leneuf de la Potherie. A house 30 by 20 feet was on the land. This property would later be exchanged for one belonging to Pierre Boucher, the future governor of Trois Rivieres. The Guillets did not reside there long for early in 1652, they were on their newly acquired land on the Cap.
The year 1652, would prove to be a trying one. On August 18, Mathurin Guillet was crossing the river of Trois Rivières near the islands of the estuary. He was accompanied by the notary, Flour Bonjonnier, the surgeon, Plassez and one named Rochereau. They were attached by eight canoes filled with Iroquois. Mathurin and Bonjonnier were killed; the other two taken captive. The next day, August 19th Duplessis-Kerbodot, the governor of Trois Rivières, went with a group of men seeking revenge; they were ambushed instead. Fifteen citizens of this small outpost were killed or taken captive.
It is quite probable, the death of his brother and the constant threat of the Iroquois gave Pierre Guillet the desire to establish his young family nearer the safety of Quebec City. Pierre Guillet and his wife, Jeanne gave birth to their daughter, Jeanne on November 14th 1652. She was the first child baptized on the Cap. On November 24th 1652 (Severin Ameau), Pierre and his new brother-in-law, Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne sold Mathurin's land on the Cap to Gilles Trottier. His own land there was sold on August 19th 1653 (Audouart) to Marguerite Hayet, widow of Jean Veron de Grandmesnil. On May 31st 1654, he purchased from the Jesuits the deed to land in the Seigneurie of Notre-Dame-des-Anges near Quebec. It was 60 arpents in size and located between the Charles and Beauport rivers. Although his daughter, Marie Catherine was baptized in Quebec City on February 8th 1656, Pierre was not to live in the area for long. On September 19th 1656 (Audouart) his land here was sold to Etiennette Després.
Pierre Guillet returned to Cap de la Madeleine in 1657. He settled his family on the land of Claude Houssard, the 3rd husband of Madeleine Cousteau (hence his father-in-law!!). This land of 40 arpents had been deeded to Houssard by the Jesuits in 1651 (another original Cap pioneer). It was located beside the property of Michel Lemay dit Lepoudrier. A notarized act by Claude Herlin, dated August 30th 1659 gave the deed of this land to Guillet. Acording to Marcel Trudel, author of "Le Terrier du St Laurent en 1663", this land can be found today between Celina and Viviers steets and from the bottom of Erables street up to the first park on the street.
One gets the impression that with all this moving around, Pierre Guillet was not plying his trade. This is not the case. Many notarized acts from the era show him doing a lot of construction. Some of these are listed below:
1.On September 6 1660, he accepts to build a barn for Nicolas Gailloux (Claude Herlin).
2.On January 11 1662 he contracts to build a barn for Nicolas Gastineau dit Duplessis for a cost of 60 pounds (Claude Herlin).
3.On March 31,1664 he builds a house (25 x 18ft) on Cap de la Madeleine for Michel Gamelin for the price of 600 pounds (G.Laurue).
4.On July 13, 1667 (Jacques de la Touche), A barn and house are to be built on l'ile de la Poterie for Marguerite Legardeux
5.On February 9, 1668 (J. de la Touche) with Elie Bourbaut, he builds a barn in Batiscan for Jacqueline Chamboy That same year he
also builds her a house.
The census of 1666 (Trois Rivieres) gives the following information:
Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, 40 ans, habitant
Jeanne Saint Pere, 37 ans, sa femme (she was born in 1627 so the age isn't right)
enfants: Mathurin,16; Jeanne,12; Anne, 11; Catherine, 10; Louis, 8;
Marie, 6; Marguerite, 5; Pierre, 3; Joseph, 2; Genevieve Guillet, 3
mois, fille & Nicholas Chacheu, 19 ans, domestique.
The following year, 1667, the census of Cap-de-la-Madeleine states:
Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, 36 ans (he's now younger!)
Jeanne St Perre, 40 ans
enfants: Mathurin, 18; Jeanne, 16; Monette, 14; Catherine, 12;Louis,10;
Marie, 8; Marguerite, 7; Pierre, 5; Joseph,4; Genevieve, 2. 
Domestique: Nicolas Cachet, 18 ans.
4 beasts & 78 arpents of land.
These census records show that both Pierre and Jeanne couldn't sign but their oldest son, Mathurin could. Pierre Guillet later learned to sign his name if not to write. See Larue's document of March 13, 1665 for a sample of Pierre's mark. A document of December 10, 1670 (Cusson) shows his signature.
The above census, indicating that Pierre Guillet owned 78 arpents of land show him to have been one of the most important property owners of this era. Between 1666 and 1670 notarized acts with Jacques de la Touche, show that he was buying, exchanging and selling many pieces of land in Cap de la Madeleine and equally in Batiscan. It gets quite confusing!!!
In the spring of 1666, the Jesuits, in possession of the Seigneurie of Batiscan, granted the first 30 land concessions here. The contracts were drawn by the notary Jacques de la Touche. It was a family affair!!! Claude Houssard, his father-in-law was the first; he got his land concession on March 21, 1666. Robert Rivard, the husband of Madeleine Guillet (Pierre's daughter) got his on the 22 of March. His brother, Nicolas Rivard, Pierre's brother-in-law (he's Catherine Saint Père's husband) signed for his land consession on March 23 of the year. Mathieu Rouillard, who married Jeanne Guillet in June 1667 and Jean Moreau who married Pierre's daughter, Anne in 1667 also received land concessions. On August 6, 1666, Pierre obtained his property here making him among the first landowners of this area of Quebec. On November 17, 1667 he sold this land to Jean-Baptiste Crevier. Three days later, on November 20th 1667, he bought 80 arpents of land at Cote Saint-Marc, next to his own property on the Cap. His son, Louis would later be known as Louis Guillet dit St Marc. Even later, Abraham Guillet dit St Marc became St Mars then Cinq Mars. These name changes, I suspect, originated from this land purchase. At the end of 1667, he exchanged land he had on the Cap for property in Batiscan owned by Jean Cusson.
On January 8, 1668, Pierre Guillet moved his family from Cap-de-la-Madeleine to Batiscan. He would ultimately return to the Cap but most of his children would remain here. Many of his descendants still reside today in this quiet community. At the beginning of 1669, Jeanne Saint Père was not well. She signed a will on February 13 with the notary Latouche. All her worldly possessions were left to her husband Pierre. The exact date of her death is not known but she probably died soon afterward. She was in her early 40s. On December 1 1670, an inventory of his joint possessions was done with the notary, Cusson. He possessed 8 arpents of riverfront property with a house, a barn and a stable.
At about this time, several of Pierre Guillet's children were already married (Jeanne, Anne and Madeleine). Pierre considered remarriage. On October 11, 1670, before the notary, Romain Becquet, he became engaged to Madeleine Delaunay. According to Silvio Dumas, author of "Les Filles du Roi en Nouvelle France", the wedding could have taken place in the Seigneurie of Lintot (Bécancour) but there are no records to confirm this. Also, that year, Pierre had a soldier in the Carignan-Salière regiment, Vincent de Lengat dit Lavigne arrested for the attempted rape of one of his daughters. On December 10th, 1670 (Cusson) he dropped the charges on condition that a 30 pounds fine was levied. On February 25, 1671 Pierre obtained from the Jesuits, land on Cote St Marc on the Cap. Nine years later, on November 10th, 1680 he rented this land to his son-in-law, Jacques Massé dit Beaumier (Marie-Catherine first husband).
The census of 1681 has Pierre Guillet residing in two places:
At Cap de la Madeleine:
Pierre Guillet, charpentier, 54 ans; Marie Delaunay, sa femme,44 ans
enfants: Louis, 24; Pierre, 18; Joseph, 17; Genevieve, 16;
1 fusil; 8 betes a cornes; 45 arpents en valeur.
At Becancour:
Pierre Guillet, menuisier, 53 ans; Madeleine de Lavanerie,
1 fusil; 5 betes a cornes; 10 arpents en valeur.
In 1690, Pierre Guillet sold his land in Becancour to Antoine Cottenoir; he was residing only on the Cap ar this point. He was starting to get old and slowing down but not his notarized transactions!!
1690 has many acts with Cusson, renting some of his land consessions, selling three of his properties to his son-in-law, Sébastien Provencher (Marie-Catherine's 2nd husband) etc.
After a very full life, Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse was buried in Cap de la Madeleine on May 8, 1695. The church document gave his age as 72. On the 11 of June of that year, his wife, Madeleine had an inventory of his wordly goods notarized by Jacques Cusson. There present were his son-in-laws, Sébastien Provencher, Pierre Deshaies, Pierre Champoux and Jean Baril. The latter stated he was also representing Robert Rivard, Louis Guillet and Jean Moreau. Mathieu Rouillard came a few days latter to fill his obligations. Madeleine Delaunay, did not stay too long in New France after the death of her husband. She was buried at the age of 60, in Saint Jean de la Rochelle, in Aunis France on February 6, 1699.
On a monument to the early pioneers in Trois Rivières, located near the main post office, one can find inscribed the name of Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse. His name is also found on a monument in the park near the Santuary of Cap de la Madeleine.
1. The White and the Gold. The French Regime in Canada by Thomas B. Costain published byDoubleday Canada Limited 1954.
2. Genealogie des Familles Gouin et Allard by F. DeSaulniers Montreal, 20 mars, 1909.
3. Nos Ancetres: Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse Volume 7 Chapter 10 pages 94 - 102.
4. Trois Rivieres, des temoins de son evolution, a 350 year commemoration pamphlet printed by the Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec
5. La population du Canada en 1666 by Marcel Trudel, Les editions du Septentrion, Silery, Quebec.
6. Le Nouvelliste: Nos familles et leurs origins by Jacques Saint Onge samedi 6 septembre 1980.
7. Chronique Trifluvienne by Benjamin Sulte 1879.
Pierre Guillet (1626-1695)
His life through existing notarized acts and church records.
This is a work in progress.
May 17, 1643
Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, master carpenter is witness to a sale.
June 1, 1649 Quebec
Audouart dit Saint-Germain, G.
Observation: The date of deposit isn't indicated.
Deposit of a land concession by the Compagnie de Jésus, to Jean Hodan, Claude Houssar, Jean Veron, Pierre Guillet, Mathurin Guillet, Andienne de Lafond, Mathurin Baillergeon, Pierre Boucher, Henri Galtiaux, Urbain Bodrie, Jacques Aubuchon, Bertrand Fafart and Jean Aubuchon.
June 6, 1651 Quebec
Audouart dit Saint-Germain, G.
Observation: The date of deposit isn't indicated.
Deposit of a land concession situated on the cap of Trois Rivieres and below; by the Compagnie de Jésus, to Jean Houday dit Gillebois, François Boisvin, Claude Houssart dit Lepandit, Claude-Jean Veron dit Grandmaisnil, Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, Mathurin Guillet dit Laroche, Mathurin Baillergeon, Pierre Boucher, Emery Caillandoct, Urbain Baudry dit Lamarche, Bertrand Fafard dit Laframboise, Jean Aubuchon dit Leloial, Nicolas Rivart dit Lavigne, Bastien Daudier, Mathieu Labur? dit Lecour, Jean Languandot, Robert Drouin, Jean Poisson, Françoise Fafart dit Desneuves, Jacques Lespine, Pierre Billercoire dit Dupuis, Jacques Bertault, Françoise Douiz dit Sainct Douis.
Date 0000000, Trois Rivières
Audouart dit Saint-Germain, G.
Locale: M100-0001-0056.
Observation: Damaged act, without title and written the 14 June 165?. Contract preserved at the Archives nationales du Quebec at Trois-Rivières.
Transfer of a lot and house situated in the enclosure of Trois-Rivières and another lot and house; by Pierre Guillet and Mathurin Guillet, to Pierre Boucher, Stores manager of Trois Rivières.
November 24, 1652 Trois Rivières
Ameau dit Saint-Sévérin, S.
Sale of land in the Cap de la Magdeleine; by Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne, captain of Cap-de-la-Madeleine and Catherine St. Pere, his wife, wife of the late Mathurin Guillet and Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, their brother-in-law, to Gilles Trotier, of Trois Rivières.
August 19, 1653 Quebec
Audouart dit Saint-Germain, G.
Sale of rights and claims they have on a dwelling on the Cap by Pierre Guillet, habitant and Jeanne St. Pere, his wife to Marguerite Hayand, widow of Jean Véron dit Grandmesnil and acting for Françoise Radisson of 100 livres tournois, a barrel of peas, three casks of wheat.
August 25, 1653
Receipt of 100 livres and a barrel of peas.
May 20, 1654
Land concession of sixty arpents by the Jesuit in their seigneury of Notre-Dame-des-Anges near Quebec.
February 5, 1656
Michel Leneuf is requesting the sum of 50 livres owed to him following a previous obligation plus an extra 15 livres.
September 19, 1656 Quebec
Audouart dit Saint-Germain, G.
Sale of a dwelling for the sum of 350 livres located on the côte of Nostre Dame des Anges; by Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, master carpenter and Jeanne St Pere, his wife, to Andiennandte Despray, widow of Squire Guillaume Querbodo-Duplessis.
October 8, 1656 Quebec
Sale of a room in a house to Pierre Parent; by Pierre Guillet, habitant and Jeanne Simpere, his wife, of the seigneury of Nostre Dame des Anges in return for 40 livres.
December 8, 1657
Claim for 8 livres by Michel Pellandier sieur de La Prade .
July 12, 1659 Trois Rivières
Herlin, C.
Observation: Title mentions the date of 15 August 1659.
Appeal of an ordonnance in the petition of Pierre Guillet, master carpenter, of Cap de la Magdelaine, in favor of François Fafard.
August 30, 1659 Trois Rivières
Herlin, C.
Observation: Title stipulates exchange and discharge contract as type of act.
Surrender of land on the Cap-de-la-Magdeleine; by Claude Houssard and Madeleine Couteau his wife, of the Cap-de-la-Magdelaine to Pierre Guillet of the Cap-de-la Magdelaine.
September 6, 1660 Trois Rivières
Herlin, C.
Contract to plan or make the framework for a barn between Pierre Guillet, master carpenter, of Cap-de-la-Magdeleine and Nicolas Gaillou, master tailor, of the Cap-de-la-Magdeleine.
February 11, 1661
Herlin, C.
March 5, 1661
Claim for three minots of peas to Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse by Nicolas Chavigneau.
March 5, 1661
Payment of 48 livres by surgeon Louis Pinard to Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse. Pinard only owes him 18 livres.
January 11, 1662 Trois Rivières
Herlin, C.
Contract to build a barn measuring ten feet in height by thirty five feet in length and twenty-two feet in width for 60 livres by Pierre Guillet, master carpenter, of the Cap de la Magdelaine for Nicolas Gastineau dit Duplessis, judge for the jurisdiction of Cap de la Madeleine.
March 31, 1664 Trois Rivières
Larue, G. de
Contract to build a house between Elie Bourbaux, master carpenter, Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, master carpenter and Michel Gamelin, master surgeon, of Cap de la Magdeleine.
October 28, 1664 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Marriage contract between Robert Rivart dit Lorangé, native of Tourouvre in Perche and
living in the Cap de la Magdeleine; and Marie-Madeleine Guillet, daughter of Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse and of Jeanne Sainct Pair.
March 13, 1665 Trois Rivières
Larue, G. de
Lease of farm land measuring four arpents of riverfront in the Cap-de-la Magdeleine for three years by Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse from Marguerite Hayand, wife of Sieur Médard de Groizillier in return for sixty minots of wheat per year and fifteen minots of white peas.
February 25, 1666 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Land concession situated in the seigneury of Cap de la Magdeleine, along the great Sainct Laurens river of two arpents of riverfront by forty arpents in depth; by the Compagnie de Jésus, to Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, habitant of the Cap de la Magdeleine.
August 2, 1666 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Observation: Title mentions the date of 6 August 1666 and stipulates a donation as type of act.
Donation, in case of death, of wordly goods and land situated at St. Eloy and land situated in Batiscan; by Mathieu Rouillard, of Batiscan, to Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine.
May 1, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Lease of a cow; by Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, to Jean Crevier, habitant, of the Cap de la Magdeleine.
June 26, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Marriage contract between Jean Moreau, of Batiscan, son of the late Pierre Moreau and of François Menart, of the parish of Javrazac in Saincte Xonge; and Anne Guillet, daughter of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse and of Jeanne de Sainct Pere, of the Cap de la Magdeleine and of Batiscan.
June 26, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Marriage contract between Mathieu Rouillart, of Batiscan, son of the late Guillaume Rouillart and of Jeanne Granau, of the parish of Notre Dame de Cougne, city of La Rochelle; and Jeanne Guillet, daughter of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse and of Jeanne de Sainct Pere, of the Cap de la Magdeleine and of Batiscan.
July 3, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Exchange of land situated in the seigneury of St Eloy in return for land situated at the côte St Marc between Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, habitant, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, and Pierre Trotier, of the Cap de la Magdeleine.
July 13, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Contract to build a barn which will be located on the island of Monsieur de Lapottrie between Marguerite Legardeur and Squire Jacques Leneuf de Lapottrie, her absent husband, , and Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine.
July 13, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Contract to build a house which will be located on the island named de la Pottrie at the Cap de la Magdeleine between Marguerite Legardeur and Squire Jacques Leneuf de Lapottrie, her absent husband, and Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of Cap de la Magdeleine.
October 5, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Observation: The date was taken from the title.
Sale of a cow by Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine and of the seigneury of Batiscan, to Gabriel Benoist dit Laforest, from Champlain.
November 17, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Observation: Title stipulates acquisition contract as type of act.
Sale of land situated in the seigneury of Batiscan; by Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse and Jeanne de St Pere, his wife, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, to Jean-Baptiste Crevier, of the seigneury of Batiscan.
November 20, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Observation: Title stipulates acquisition contract as type of act.
Sale of land situated in the seigneury of the côte St. Marc; by Martin Foizi and Jeanne Boucher, his wife, of the côte Sainct Marc, to Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse.
December 27, 1667 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Observation: Title mentions the date of 9 March 1667.
Exchange of land situated in the seigneury of Batiscan in return for land situated in the Cap de la Magdeleine between Jean Cusson, of Cap de la Magdeleine, and Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of Cap de la Magdeleine.
January 08, 1668 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Delivery of land situated in the seigneury of Batiscan; by François Frigon dit Lespagnol, to Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse.
February 09, 1668 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Contract to build a barn which will be located in Batiscan between Elie Bourbaux, Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, master carpenter and Jacqueline Chamboy and Michel Peltier de Laprade, her husband.
00-00-0000, Trois Rivières
Larue, G. de
Locale: M100-008-1797
Observation: The date the deed was drawn up isn't indicated.
Contract to build a house between Elie Bourbaux, Pierre Guillet and Antoine Trotier and Julien Trotier.
April 4, 1668 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Deposit for a mariage annulment between Mathieu Rouillart, of the seigneury of Batiscan; and Jeanne Guillet, daughter of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of Cap de la Madeleine.
July 20, 1668 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Contract to build a house which will be located in the seigneury of Batiscan between Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of Cap de la Magdeleine, and Jacqueline Chamboy, wife of Michel Peltier de Laprade.
February 13, 1669 Trois Rivières
Latouche, J. de
Last will and testament of Jeanne Sainct Pere, wife of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of Cap de la Magdeleine.
October 11, 1670 Quebec
Becquand, F.
Observation : Act without title. Pierre Guillet is a widower.
Mariage contract between Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, habitant of Cap de la Magdelainne; and Madeleine Delaunay, daughter of the late Claude Delaunay, wood merchant and Marguerite Plau, of the parish of Saint-Vincent, of the city and bishopric of Dennevers.
December 1, 1670
Cusson, J.
Observation: Title mentions the date of 20 December 1671.
Inventory of the community goods of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, widower of Jeanne St. Per.
December 10, 1670 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation : The said Lavigne was apprehended and taken bodily by the officers of the Cap de la Magdeleine, then brought to its prison where he is presently in irons having been accused of attempted rape of the daughter of the said Lajeunesse.
Dropping of the charges by Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the côte St. Marc, against Vincent de Lengas-Lavigne, formerly a soldier of the Carignan Regiment.
February 25, 1671 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Damaged act.
Land concession situated on the edge of the great St Laurens River; by the Compagnie de Jésus, to Louis Guillet and Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, his father.
February 25, 1671 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Photocopy of the original.
Farm lease of a prairie located on the river commonly known as the rivière aux Canne; by the Compagnie de Jésus, to Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse.
January 24, 1672 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Title stipulates acquisition contract as type of act.
Sale of land situated in the seigneury of Batiscan; by François Bibaux and Jeanne chalifou, his wife, to Mathurin Guillet with the consent of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesses, his father.
March 9, 1676 Trois Rivières
Adhémar dit Saint-Martin, A.
Observation: Act without title. Contract preserved at the Archives nationales du Quebec in Trois Rivières.
Receipt of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, to Jean Cusson, procurator and notary of the jurisdiction of the Cap-de-la-Madeleine.
November 10, 1680 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Damaged act. Title mentions the date of 10 November 1679.
Lease of farmland situated on the côte Sainct Marc; by Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, to Jacques Massé, of Cap de la Magdeleine, his son-in-law.
July 5, 1683 Montreal
Adhémar dit Saint-Martin, A.
Deposit of a promissory note by Pierre Guillet, guardian of the minor children of Jean Baril, widower of Marie Guillet.
January 18, 1684 Montreal
Adhémar dit Saint-Martin, A.
Mariage contract between Louis Guillet (26 years old), son of Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse and the late Jeanne Semper of Batiscan; and Marie Trotier (16 years of age), daughter of Jean Trotier and of Geneviève L'afon, of Batiscan.
May 4, 1690 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Receipt from Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdaleine, to Antoine Cottenoir.
June 28, 1690 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Obligation by Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdaleine, to Pierre Leboullenger de St. Pierre, merchant of the Cap de la Magdaleine.
June 28, 1690 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Lease of farmland situated on the côte St. Marc; by Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdaleine, to Aubin Maudoux.
October 22, 1690 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Land sale of three lots situated on the côte St. Marc in the seigneury of the Cap; by Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse and Madeleine de Launay, his wife, of the Cap St. Magdaleine, to Louis Provencher, stipulating for him Sébastien Provencher, of the Cap de la Magdaleine, his father.
March 19, 1691 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Title mentions the date as 10 March 1691.
Nonsuit of land by Adrien Saillot de Lacroix, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, to Pierre Guillet de Lajeunesse, of the St. Michel River.
April 27, 1691 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Title mentions the date as 26 avril 1691.
Mariage contract between Sébastien Provencher, of Cap de la Magdaleine, widower of Marguerite Manchon; and Catherine Guillet, of the Cap de la Magdeleine, widow of Jacques Massé, daughter of Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse.
June 10, 1695 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Observation: Title mentions the date as June 11, 1695.
Inventory of the community goods of Madeleine Delanné, widow of Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, of the Cap de la Magdaleine.
June 12, 1695 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Agreement of the sharing of land located in the seigneury of Dutort between François Bigot, procurator of Madeleine Delanné, widow of Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse, of the Cap and Jean Baril, acting for him and as procurator of Sébastien Provencher and Catherine Guillet, his wife, Pierre Dehaie and Marguerite Guillet, his wife, and Pierre Champoux and Geneviève, his wife.
August 26, 1695 Trois Rivières
Cusson, J.
Collation of several receipts of Louis Leconte-Dupré, to Pierre Guille dit Lajeunesse and Madeleine Delanné, his wife, and Nicolas Perrot and his wife.