On the eighteenth day of the month of in the year
one thousand six hundred and eighty four after the
publication of 3 marriage bans between Louys Guillet
twenty seven years of age son of Pierre Guillet et
Jeanne Saintpere His father and mother of the parish
of Cap de la Magdeleine Evesche of Quebec on one
hand and Marie Trothier daughter of Jean
Trothier and of Geneviesve Lafond Her father and
mother of this parish in the said evesche on the other hand
I the undersigned Missionary priest took their mutual consentment by their presence and having found no impediment gave them the nuptual blessing in the presence of Nicolas Rivard and Pierre
Lafond who signed. Louys Gillet
Nicolas Rivard Pierre Lafond

Volant Missionary Priest.