Aimé Cinq Mars
Trop tard pour la guerre!
A soldier who didn`t fight!
        Lors d'une visite au archives nationales du Canada à Ottawa, nous avons découvert l'nformation suivante. Aimé Cinq Mars s'engagea dans le "1st Depot Battalion of the 2nd Quebec Regiment". Il voyagea au Royaume Unis a bord du S.S. Somali et fut transferé au "10th Canadian Reserve Battalion".  Il passa en normandie mais trop tard.  La guerre venait de finir. Il servit donc seulement en Angleterre et retourna au Canada a bord du H.M.T. Caronia le 25 juin 1919.

         From the National Archives in Ottawa, we found out that he had enlisted with the 1st Depot Battalion of the 2nd Quebec Regiment.   He travelled to the United Kingdom aboard the S.S. Somali and was then transferred to the 10th Canadian Reserve Battalion.  He crossed over to Normandy but the war ended before he made it to the front!  He served only in the United Kingdom and returned to Canada aboard the H.M.T. Caronia on the 25th of June, 1919.