On the 6th of March, 1730 by me the undersigned priest pastor of
Batiscan, was buried Louis Guillet, around seventy three years of age, after having received all the sacrements in the presence of Nicolas Duclos and Francois debroyeux, who signed with us. nicolas duclos
G Lefebvre priest pastor of Batiscan
Le 24 juin 1739, a été inhumé dans le cimetiere de cette paroisse le corps de Marie Trottier agée d'environs soixante et douze ans. Veuve de Louis Guillet dit St Mars laquelle est décédée apres avoir recu le sacrement de ...et extreme onction. L enterrement a été fait par nous pretre soussigné en le presence du Sieur DeBrayeux et du Sr Joseph Gallion, tesmoins qui ont signés avec nous.
On June 24, 1739, was buried in the cemetery of this parish, the body of Marie Trottier who was about seventy two years of age. Widow of Louis Guillet dit St Mars she passed away after receiving absolution and the Last Rites. The burial was done by us, the undersigned priest. Were present DeBrayeux and Joseph Gallion, witnesses who signed with us.